Verus Publishing

Presenting the Works of Edward de Vere


Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford

Edward De Vere

About the Author


   Edward de Vere, The 17th Earl of Oxford, having staged numerous plays at the court of Queen Elizabeth I in his youth, went on to write, from the sanctum of anonymity, the plays and sonnets that have heretofore been ascribed to the Elizabethan actor and merchant, William Shakespeare.

     While this assertion has long been a matter of academic dispute, we believe that the evidence speaks so overwhelmingly in favor of its validity that it’s time to finally declare ‘Case closed!’ and begin a re-reading of these fantastic texts in light of the life of the genius that created them.

     There are plentiful resources, both online and in print, to learn about this evidence, this life and this genius who gave the world the most beloved and studied works in all of literature. To open this path of discovery, we offer a few references and links to some of these resources below.

Selected References & Bibliography
About the Author

Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford


Anderson, M. (2005). Shakespeare by Another Name: The Life of Edward de Vere, Earl of Oxford, The Man who was Shakespeare.   New York: Gotham Books.
--A physicist by training with research interest in how evidence supports or negates a theory, Mark Anderson spent ten years investigating Edward de Vere as the author of Shake-speare's works.

Farina, William. (2006). De Vere as Shakespeare: An Oxfordian Reading of the Canon.
Jefferson, NC. McFarland & Company.
--Each of the plays and poems is individually assessed and explored in its own chapter, using the innumerable connections between the text itself and the life of its author, Edward de Vere.

Looney, J. Thomas (2018). Shakespeare Identified. Cary, N.C. Veritas Publicaations.
--First published in 1920 this book began the modern Oxfordian movement. From reading it, Sigmund Freud became convinced and John Galsworthy called it "the best detective story I ever read."

♦ Ogburn, C. (1992). The Mysterious William Shakespeare. McLean (Va.): EPM.
--An in depth exploration and must read foundational book on the authorship question.

Sobran, Joseph. (1997). Alias Shakespeare: Solving the Greatest Literary Mystery of All Time. 
New York; The Free Press, A Division of Simon & Schuster.
--A concise exploration of the puzzling questions surrounding the authorship controversy with the evidence decisively supporting the case for Edward de Vere, the 17th Earl of Oxford, as the rightful author of the Shakespeare plays and poems

Whittemore, Hank. (2016), 100 Reasons Shake-speare Was the Earl of Oxford.
Somerville MA. Forever Press.
►Also with further discussion and public comment at:
Hank Whittemore’s Shakespeare Blog.
--In both the book and online blog cited above, Whittemore presents a concise introduction to the authorship question that examines 100 different aspects, from biographical and historical records, that point to Edward de Vere as the true writer of the Shake-speare plays and poems.

Websites & Videos

► De Vere Society. (2019). The de Vere Society – Dedicated to the proposition that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford. [online] Available at:
--A very complete resource with substantial biographical and authorship information and links.

► The Oxford Fellowship (2019). Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship | Research and Discussion of the Shakespeare Authorship Question. [online] Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship. Available at:
--A seminal online resource especially focusing on the authorship question.

► Waugh, A. (2019). Alexander Waugh. [online] YouTube. Available at:
OR simply search: 'Alexander Waugh'
--Alexander Waugh is a leading authorship scholar who has produced many fascinating video presentations on the authorship question. This link is to his YouTube Channel.

► Columbia Pictures & Centropolis Entertainment.(2011). Anonymous. Produced and directed by Roland Emmerich. [DVD]
--This mainstream film is both entertaining and enlightening. It presents a superb dramatization of the character of Edward de Vere, setting out in detail the historical and personal context which made his anonymous authorship necessary.

Centropolis Entertainment and First Folio Pictures. Last Will and Testament. (2012).  [DVD]
--A thoughtful and ground-breaking video documentary introduction to the Shakespeare authorship question.


Editorial: Edward de Vere and The Thousand Years War

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